Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

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Defamation and Libel in The Workplace

Employers may find themselves facing liability for a number of acts in the workplace, including defamation in the workplace. Additionally, they may be held vicariously liable for the acts of their employees.  Defamation   Defamation occurs when a person’s character or reputation is damaged because of a false statement by another.

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Employee Misconduct: Best Practices for Questioning the Accused

Employee misconduct investigations may occur when a person is accused of sexual harassment, theft, making a false claim, unlawful discrimination or other forms of misconduct in the workplace. Accused individuals probably have a right to discuss the accusations against them and decent workplace environments require that employees understand their employees will treat

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What Is Discrimination in The Workplace

Employee discrimination claims can have significant consequences to employers. Employees may have legal claims against employers who illegally discriminate against them. Employers are required to investigate claims of illegal discrimination. This duty exists even if the employee does not make a formal complaint and even if the employee does not

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