Not If, but When: How To Prepare for The Inevitable Crisis

The ability to remain calm and make careful strategic decisions when a crisis occurs is an essential skill for business leaders. This has never been more true than today when it seems as though a crisis can crop up from the least likely origin and spread out of control before you know it. Information, both […]

The Age of Transparency and Its Impact on The Nonprofit World

It’s no surprise finding donors for your nonprofit is tough. Even so, when you find large enterprise donors, you must ensure that they are on the up and up and not people who are interested only in influence or money laundering. Securing funds for your nonprofit is a two-fold process: 1) finding a capable partner […]

Culture Club – The New Competitive Advantage

Many people think of business culture as an HR talking point, providing little to no real value to their organization. This couldn’t be further from the truth. A strong corporate culture empowers employees to reach new heights by increasing their personal investment in the company and unlocking their passion for creative problem-solving. A well-developed culture […]