Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

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What Do I Do if Someone Ends an Interview?

What do you do if somebody ends an interview? If somebody walks out of an interview, as the investigator, it’s frustrating, but there’s very little you can control. Sometimes I cover this in my admonishments, but certainly when somebody says that they are done talking to me or just gets

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What Do I Do if Everything on A Device Is Deleted?

What do you do if something is wiped off a device? A lot of times employees,. will ctrl-alt-delete everything before they walk out of a workplace. Other times, they just wipe a personal device clean because they want to have closure regarding a former employer.  Most of the time and

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What Do I Do if I Am Embarrassed by The Interview?

What do you do if you, as the interviewer or the investigator, are too embarrassed to talk about the topic to be investigated? You need to get off the investigation. There’s really no way around it, because if you can’t engage with the subject matter comfortably and robustly, you are

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What Do I Do if I Can’t Make a Determination?

What do I do if I just cannot reach a conclusion as a result of an investigation? Maybe find a new career? It’s really not very good if you can’t do that in the vast majority of the issues and sub-issues. It’s incredibly unsatisfying to clients who are paying you

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