What Do I Do if I Receive Evidence Likely to Be Used in Litigation?

What do you do if you get evidence that can be used in litigation? Basically, everything you’re doing could be used litigation. So, this certainly applies to everything. Your report, your interviews, your notes, your communications with your client. You need to assume everything can be used in litigation. But, if you get a thing […]

What Do I Do if I Am Asked to Fix the Root Problem After Investigation?

What do you do if the client asks you to stick around after the conclusion of your investigation to remedy the situation you investigated? You tread lightly because once you start reaping money from the situation you investigated, you start to whittle away at your own bias, right? So if I get a call and […]

What Do I Do if Someone Has Evidence on Their Personal Device?

What do you do if somebody has company information related to your investigation on a personal device? We ask if we can have it! It can be a big issue because of ownership of intellectual property as a whole thing, but as a neutral, unbiased, third-party investigator, you should not be getting into a scuffle […]

What Do I Do if Someone Gets Mad During an Interview?

What do you do if somebody gets mad during your interview? Obviously, if it’s a safety issue in the meeting, you get out of there or you end the meeting. If not, short of being a safety issue, ask the person why they’re getting agitated. Could be that you’re on the crux of hitting the […]

What Do I Do to Build Client Goodwill with An Adversarial Finding?

What do you do to maintain Goodwill and a positive opinion of your firm with a client after you’ve made an adversarial finding? That’s a hard one. Hopefully, you have a good relationship with your client contact and hopefully, your client contact is a decision-maker. And within that relationship that you’ve built with them, as […]