Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

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What Do I Do if I Realize There Was a Crime Committed?

What do you do if there’s a crime committed? As the investigator, we are not very often going to also be legal counsel to the client with the issue. So, again, probably if you’re investigating a workplace situation, you are not a criminal investigator, and you need to be handing

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What Do I Do if Someone Asks About the Report?

What do you do if somebody asks you about the investigative report? This comes up a lot, actually. Sometimes that happens during the interview, or sometimes somebody will ask you after the interview if there will be an investigative report or if they can have it. If somebody asks you

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What Do I Do to Maintain Confidentiality Between Interviews?

Why do I insist on confidentiality between interviews? Because it can be really destructive to the culture of an organization if there is complete transparency about everything that happens in an investigation to all people. Let me break that down a little bit. Obviously, when I’m doing a workplace investigation,

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What Do I Do About Collecting Evidence?

What do you do to collect evidence in an investigation? You just ask for it mostly. So, at the beginning, that’s typically the biggest piece of information gathering when you meet your client contact and they start prepping you up to go off to do your investigation. You’re going to

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