What Do I Do when Someone Don’t Want to Disclose Source of Information?

What do you do when someone tells you they will not disclose the name of their source? Generally, the first thing I say is, “Why don’t you want to disclose that information to me?” Sometimes the answer is because that person is afraid of retaliation for themselves or for that third party, that source, or […]

What Do I Do when I Don’t Know What to Charge for An Investigation?

What do you do if you don’t know what to charge for an investigation? There’s a couple of issues here. First of all, the attorney code of ethics in your state will have something to say about what to charge, if you are not an expert in the thing that you are doing. Attorneys are […]

What Do I Do when I Don’t Find out What Happens After an Investigation?

What do you do if you don’t find out what happened to the people involved in an investigation when you’re done? Congratulations, you have now been initiated to one of the most frustrating parts of being a workplace investigator, especially as a third-party investigator. Even when I had repeat clients, I had a big client […]

What Do I Do to Investigate Discrimination by Microaggressions?

What do you do if somebody reports to you that their evidence of discrimination is through a series of microaggressions? At the time of filming this, this most often comes up with folks that have less than ten years of experience in the workforce. Additionally, people who tend to work in industries that engage with […]

What Do I Do when I Don’t Know if I Can Handle Investigating Something?

What do you do if you don’t know if you can investigate something? If you ultimately determine that you shouldn’t investigate something, you shouldn’t. The consequences are huge for you and the client. If you’re too busy, something like that, just walk away and say, “I’m too busy. I’m so sorry. I can’t do it […]

What Do I Do if Someone Wants to Discuss Who Pays for An Investigation?

Sometimes people that I’m interviewing ask who is paying me. I guess that’s fair, they seem sometimes concerned that because the employer is paying me as an independent third-party investigator, that I am going to be biased in favor of the employer. And I suppose superficially, that makes sense, but the reality and what I […]

What Do I Do to Determine Credibility?

What do I do to determine credibility? There is literally no way that I can answer this in a short blog. I am not a mental health professional. I don’t have extensive policing training, I’m not credentialed to run a lie detector, and it’s pretty likely that you are not either. There are things as […]