Union Investigations: A Minefield of Legalese

Dear Overworked Professionals, We know you’re busy navigating a sea of HR nightmares, so let’s cut to the chase: Union investigations are a special kind of hell.  Brace yourselves.  (Oh, and some of this union stuff applies to your non-union employees too.)  Weingarten Rights: The Gift That Keeps on Giving Remember that delightful little concept […]

How to Fight Human Trafficking and Protect Your Business from Liability

First, it’s important to understand specifically what human trafficking entails. There are two kinds, and they break down like so: Sex trafficking. Recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting a person for a commercial sex act. Labor trafficking. Recruiting, harboring, transporting, or obtaining a person for labor or services using force, fraud, or coercion. […]