Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

49661 101 wdid about the order of investigation workplace invcestigation lynch law firm

What do I do about the order of a workplace investigation?

To plan my investigation, unless there are logistical issues, we always do the reporting party first and the accused last. Aside from that, sometimes we’ll interview someone just because we need to learn the subject. So, for example, if I needed to know about an accounting practice or how chemicals

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What do I do if the reporting party doesn’t use any of the ‘magic’ words about discrimination during a workplace investigation?

What do you do if your reporting party does not use magic words? For example, they do not say things like “harassment,” “discrimination,” “hostile work environment,” or “disparate treatment”? Sometimes even the employer misunderstands that they do not need to investigate because their reporting party has not used magic words

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