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Pursuit of Balance: Insights for Women Seeking Fulfillment

The pursuit of success often comes at a cost. For many mid-career women, the relentless demands of professional life can leave them feeling stretched thin, overwhelmed, and unfulfilled. As an executive coach specializing in working with successful mid-career women, I’ve witnessed firsthand the challenges they face in finding balance and fulfillment between their personal and professional lives. But I’ve also seen how intentionality, connection to values, and mindset shifts can lead to a more harmonious and satisfying existence. Let’s explore how these women can reclaim their equilibrium and thrive on both fronts.

Acknowledge the Struggle

The first step in finding balance is acknowledging the struggle. Many mid-career women feel pressure to excel in their careers while also managing familial responsibilities and personal aspirations. It’s essential to recognize that feeling strained and overwhelmed is not a sign of weakness but a natural response to juggling multiple roles and expectations. Say it out loud. Tell a confidant. Write it in your journal. Do whatever you need to do to get this acknowledgement out of your head and out of your body so that you don’t have to carry the load alone.

Redefine Success

As an executive coach, the work I often do with my clients includes reconceptualizing what success means and what it looks like. We are often tethered to antiquated definitions of success that are not genuine to ourselves and our values, and those definitions are frequently externally determined. Together, we find the strength to toss outdated ideas of success away in favor of success parameters that actually serve and motivate my clients. Instead of chasing conventional markers of achievement, such as title or salary, we explore what fulfillment looks like in all areas of life. This shift in perspective allows them to prioritize what truly matters and align their actions accordingly.

Set Boundaries

My clients often arrive to our partnership with a deep knowing that they need help establishing new boundaries in many areas of their lives. Boundaries are crucial for maintaining balance and preserving mental and emotional well-being. Together, we identify areas where boundaries are needed, whether it’s carving out dedicated family time, establishing clear work hours, or learning to say no to additional commitments.  Setting boundaries empowers women to reclaim control over their time and energy. We also do the crucial work of understanding how to communicate those boundaries because often the fear of doing that holds my clients back from even considering the establishment of new but necessary boundaries. If this sounds like you, touch base with me for more resources on boundary-setting!

Cultivate Self-Compassion

Mid-career women often place high expectations on themselves, striving for perfection in every aspect of their lives and believing themselves a failure when they fall short of perfection. I encourage them to cultivate self-compassion and embrace imperfection. By letting go of the need to do it all and allowing themselves grace, they can alleviate pressure and experience greater peace of mind. We all deserve the peace that comes from letting go of the expectations that society and others have laid on us. I help my clients find it.

Prioritize Personal Restoration

Remember the old “put your mask on first” instruction? You cannot show up as your best self without first meeting your own needs. Self-care is non-negotiable for maintaining balance and resilience. I help women identify self-care practices that nourish their mind, body, and spirit, whether it’s exercise, mindfulness, creative hobbies, or simply unplugging from technology. Identifying restoration practices that will provide the necessary recharge is only one step in the process, though, and frankly, it’s the easiest. I find that what’s harder for my clients is to figure out how to make time for it. We do that work together AND I hold them accountable. By prioritizing self-care, they recharge their batteries and show up as their best selves in both personal and professional domains.

Foster Support Networks

Our society has forced us far away from the notion that “it takes a village.” Evolutionarily, we are not meant to operate effectively in individualistic siloes. No woman is an island, especially in the pursuit of balance and fulfillment. I encourage women to cultivate support networks of friends, family, mentors, and peers who understand their challenges and can offer guidance, empathy, and encouragement. Connecting with others who share similar experiences validates their feelings and provides a sense of community. That sense of community enriches our lives by reducing feelings of loneliness, supporting our mental health, and giving us a space where we can find unconditional acceptance and belongingness.

Embrace Flexibility

Flexibility is key to navigating the ever-changing demands of work and life. I help women embrace flexibility in their schedules, mindset, and approach to problem-solving. By adopting a growth mindset and embracing change as an opportunity for growth rather than a circumstance to fear, they become more adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges.

Celebrate Achievements

Finally, I encourage women to celebrate their achievements, no matter how small. I have a client who rewards herself with “micro-joys” – something like literally stopping to smell the roses while walking your dog, taking time to appreciate the soothing image of rain dropping into a puddle, or deeply breathing in the scent of your hot tea. Be intentional about gifting yourself these moments. And certainly find a way to recognize and celebrate the more meaningful milestones, accomplishments, and moments of joy to reinforce a sense of progress and fulfillment. It’s important for women to acknowledge their hard work and achievements and give themselves credit where credit is due.

Finding balance and fulfillment between personal and professional life is a journey, not a destination. As an executive coach, I partner with successful mid-career women to navigate this journey with intentionality, resilience, and self-compassion. By acknowledging the struggle, redefining success, setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, fostering support networks, embracing flexibility, and celebrating achievements, my clients reclaim their equilibrium and thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

Together, we can create a roadmap to balance that honors your values, priorities, and aspirations. Contact me today to chat about how I can support your own pursuit of balance.

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