Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

40572 66 wdid about investigating pron2e16d0bafill 1140x400 1db16d37

What Do I Do About Investigating Pronouns?

What do you do if you have an investigation about pronoun use? So I’m recording this in July of 2021 and I hope very much that this is the recording that becomes out of date the quickest. So, if you’re doing an investigation about pronouns, you should do some research

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40559 56 wdidi if an interviee asks ab2e16d0bafill 1140x400 5bce8f4b

What Do I Do if An Interviewee Asks About Privilege?

What do you do if an interviewee asks you about privilege for your investigation?A lot of investigations are done under privilege. I am not a litigator, I’m an investigator. So, I don’t pretend to be an expert in privilege and I know, across the country, perspectives on the way privilege

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40563 58 wdidi if an interviewee doesn2e16d0bafill 1140x400 bc88996b

What Do I Do if An Interviewee Does Not Know the Answers?

What do you do if your interviewee does not participate in the investigation, or does not know what you are asking them? That’s kind of two different issues. So, if the person does not participate in the investigation, you need to, again, remind them that their employer expects them to

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40561 57 wdidi if an interviewee asks 2e16d0bafill 1140x400 639c74a8

What Do I Do if An Interviewee Asks for A Witness?

What do you do if the interviewee asks for a witness? As attorneys always say, it depends. If the interviewee is a member of a union, they have a right, according to the Supreme Court of the United States, to have a witness. And so they need to get a

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40574 62 wdid if i get really embarased2e16d0bafill 1140x400 4fd5684d

What Do I Do if I Get Really Embarrassed as The Investigator?

What do you do if you, as the investigator, get really embarrassed? Pull yourself together. You are there to be a neutral, unbiased, third party. And as such, you can’t be judgmental. And a lot of embarrassment comes from judgment. And so, your work is about appropriateness and inappropriateness in

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40583 64 wdidii have an investigation 2e16d0bafill 1140x400 18110c4a

What Do I Do when I Have an Investigation About Gaslighting?

How do we investigate gaslighting? So gaslighting, to my knowledge, is not a crime anywhere, but the effects and the reasons for gaslighting somebody can be awful in the workplace, right? So gaslighting is the use of psychological means to make somebody doubt their own sanity. And if someone is

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40588 65 wdidii am investigating a tra2e16d0bafill 1140x400 87374080

What Do I Do if I Am Investigating a Traumatic Event?

What do you do if you are investigating something really traumatic? Unfortunately, as workplace investigators, we occasionally have to investigate some really awful stuff. People get killed at work. People get raped at work. Some truly awful things happen at work and workplace investigators get called into some of that

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