Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

49670 109 wdid to prevent gossip lynch law firm austin texas natalie lynch 4d94f0c7

What do I do to prevent gossip during a workplace investigation?

What do you do to prevent gossip? In my initial admonishments, we tell people things like, “we’ll ask that you maintain a professional level of confidentiality.” And I’ll often say, “As you can imagine, if gossip starts, it depletes the quality of the investigation that I’m trying to do. And,

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51359 its time to schedule your annual corporate meeting 0d62856a

Your Organization’s Annual Meeting

Annual Owner Meeting Requirements   The requirements of an organization’s annual owner meeting are outlined by each state’s version of their Business Organization Code. If your company was incorporated in Texas, state law requires you to hold annual meetings of the owners and directors, if any. Texas Business Organizations Code,

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