What do I do if I have scope creep during a workplace investigation?

What do you do if you have a concern about scope creep? Scope creep is dangerous. It’s the concept that you started out investigating this thing, and as the investigation has gone, the scope of the investigation has crept outwards. It can be an issue for a lot of reasons and in no small part […]

What do I do about small company investigations during a workplace investigation?

What do I do if I have an issue around discrimination or harassment, but I’m a super small employer? In the state of Texas, in particular, you go investigate that because as of September 1st of 2021 employers with even one employee, per state law need to investigate sexual harassment allegations. Other states will probably […]

What do I do if I receive evidence during a workplace investigation?

What do you do if somebody hands you something, a piece of evidence, during an investigation? It depends on what it is, of course. If they give you a stack of reproducible reports, I’m going to ask if I can have a soft copy of it. “Hey, can you email me the file later, so […]

What do I do to research my witness during a workplace investigation?

What should I do if I need to investigate or do some research on the people I’m interviewing? There’s a lot to that. So if you’re investigating them because you have safety concerns and want to see if they have a police report, that are public records. Maybe if their Facebook is public and they […]

What do I do if the reporting party is ‘crazy’ during a workplace investigation?

What do you do if your reporting party is acting crazy? And even though she’s using the sort of magic words things like harassment and discrimination, you think that the real issue is that the person is crazy, not that they’re being discriminated against. As the employer or the investigator stepping into the employer’s shoes, […]

What do I do if someone is leaving their employer during a workplace investigation?

What do you do if someone is quitting or already quit and you really need them to be part of your investigation? The first thing you do is find out your client’s protocol in this situation. For example, many government entities will not engage former employees in most workplace investigations. There can always be some… […]