Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

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Courtside with Brian // Sued by a Former Employee

Introduction: Welcome to Treaty Oak Legal blog, where we provide valuable insights into employment law matters. Today, we address a common concern among employers: the fear of being sued by a departing employee. As experienced attorneys in employment law, we understand the stress this situation can cause. However, it’s important

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Courtside with Brian Severance Agreements

Introduction: Welcome to Treaty Oak Legal blog, where we provide valuable insights into employment law matters. Today, we address a critical concern employers face—being sued by an employee after providing a severance payment. As experienced employment law attorneys, we understand the importance of safeguarding your business through the implementation of

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Retaliation Complaints by Employees

Introduction: Welcome to Treaty Oak Legal blog, where we provide valuable insights into employment law matters. Today, we address a pressing concern for employers—protecting themselves against retaliation complaints. As experienced employment law attorneys, we understand the importance of proactive measures in mitigating the risks associated with retaliation claims. I am

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Courtside with Brian :: Final Pay

Welcome to Treaty Oak Legal  blog, which provides valuable insights into employment law matters. In today’s article, we will address a commonly asked question from employers: “When do I have to pay an employee their final paycheck?” As experts in employment law, we aim to clarify this topic and help

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Courtside with Brian Employment at Will

Introduction: Welcome to Treaty Oak blog, where we provide valuable insights into employment law matters. Today’s article addresses employers’ common question: “What does it mean to be an employment-at-will state in Texas?” As experts in employment law, we understand the importance of clarifying this concept and navigating the legal landscape

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