The Employers' Lawyers' Blog
Safeguard your company and your people – while maintaining compliance with the law. So you can get back to work.
What Do You Do If Somebody Asks You Who Else is Being Interviewed?
Natalie Lynch is a credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do if somebody asks you who else is being interviewed? This also comes up a lot, and sometimes it’s innocuous and not … They’re not trying to be strategic. But you’re having a conversation, and
What Do I Do When the Client Tries to Take Control of an Investigation?
Natalie Lynch is a credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do when the client tries to control your investigation? You needed to remind the client that the money they’re spending is related to a neutral, independent, third-party investigation. That being said, some people are just
What Do You Do If You’re Not Sure What to Wear to an Investigation?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do if you’re not sure what to wear to an investigation? So, there are some practical things you need to consider. We used to do a lot of work in foundries, and we had to
What Do I Do if Somebody Connects with Me After an Investigation is Completed?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do I do if somebody connects with me after an investigation is completed? So, sometimes the reporting party in particular will reach out to me. I do counsel my clients to circle back around with the reporting
What Do You Do When Somebody Walks Out on Your Interview?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do when somebody walks out on your interview? It’s hard as a human investigator to hear that you are the cause of somebody walking out on your interview. But almost certainly that’s what people are
What Do I Do If I Am Asked to Discuss the Value of an Investigation?
What do I do if I am asked to discuss the value of an investigation? The value of a workplace investigation has different importance to people depending on where they are in, sort of, the crisis cycle or the concern cycle. So, if you are with an employer, and
What Do You Do If You Stumble Across Some Unrelated, Bad Information?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do if you stumble across some unrelated, bad information? You tell the client, for sure. You document that you told the client, for sure. As a business practice, you make sure the client understands the
What Do You Do When You Have a Union in Your Workplace?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do when you have a union in your workplace? You better know what you’re doing. So, if people are in a union, they have a union contract, and they also have rights protected by the
What Do I Do to Explain the Triggers of an Investigation?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do I do to explain the triggers of an investigation? Even as a third party external investigator, it’s important that I be able to identify what should trigger an investigation. Not every client is completely sophisticated about
What Do You Do If You Are Concerned About the Nature of the Underlying Claim, the Series of Facts, the Incident Being So Complicated that You Can’t Investigate It?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do if you are concerned about the nature of the underlying claim, the series of facts, the incident being so complicated that you can’t investigate it? I think step one is reminding yourself: you wouldn’t
What Do You Do If Your Investigation Requires Really Specialized Knowledge?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do if your investigation requires really specialized knowledge? Most of the workplace investigations that are done are around Title Seven, Title Nine policy type issues. And it’s a lot of human activity analysis –
What Do You Do If the Person You’re Talking to is Just Mortified by the Subject Matter, It’s Just Too Embarrassing?
Natalie Lynch is your credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger. What do you do if the person you’re talking to is just mortified by the subject matter, it’s just too embarrassing? Sometimes, this comes up with incidents that involve sexuality – a lot of times. But it could