Treaty Oak Employers’ Law Blog

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Federal Employment Anti-Discrimiation Laws

Several essential anti-discrimination laws dictate the employment relationship. Employers and human resource managers must be aware of anti-discrimination laws to stay compliant and avoid exposing the company to liability. Some fundamental laws include: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Title VII is one of the most significant anti-discrimination laws.

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Retaliation Claims in The Workplace

One of the most common types of claims that workers allege is retaliation claims. For example, when a government employee reports illegal actions by their employer and is consequently treated poorly. Employers and human resource managers must take care to avoid retaliation claims based on their response to a workplace complaint. Protected

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Discrimination Under Title VII

All employers and human resource managers should be knowledgeable about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This federal law applies to employers with 15 or more employees and provides the foundation for prohibited discrimination in the workplace. Many state laws are modeled after Title VII, but they

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Mental Health Considerations in The Workplace

Mental health in the workplace is a topic that employers and human resource managers must be familiar with. They must understand the problems that may arise due to issues concerning mental health in the workplace. Additionally, they must understand the rights of workers experiencing mental health issues in the workplace.

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The Cultural Iceberg Explained

In today’s global marketplace, understanding cultural dynamics is more important than ever. Having a good understanding of cultural influences can help employers and human resources managers avoid taking adverse action against individuals based on cultural misunderstandings.  Analogy of Cultural Iceberg Icebergs peak over the water, revealing just a small portion

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Investigating High-Level Executives

Executive investigations are particularly complex because they can have a dramatic impact on the company. It is generally recommended that when a company executive is involved in an investigative matter, an outside firm should always be used for the sake of transparency and integrity. The consequences of an executive investigation can stir up disfunction

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Conducting Effective Workplace Investigations

After an employer receives a complaint regarding illegal discrimination or another prohibited activity that warrants workplace investigations, it must carefully take steps to resolve the situation. Responding quickly and efficiently to such claims can help the company avoid potential liability and take action to ensure that the prohibited conduct ceases

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Conducting Workplace Investigations Correctly – Don’t Get Trumped

Sexual harassment in the workplace has been receiving increased media scrutiny with the recent resignation of Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, who has been accused of sexually harassing several women over many years at Fox News. Just this week, while defending Ailes in an interview with USA Today, Republican Presidential nominee

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Harassing Employees Through Anonymous Job Reviews

According to the 2014 United States Workplace Bullying Survey, approximately 6.5 million employees said that they were affected by bullying in the workplace. Sometimes this bullying is overt action while in other situations it may only come out in anonymous job reviews of peers. HR professionals should take steps to

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Employee Misconduct: Best Practices for Questioning the Accused

Employee misconduct investigations may occur when a person is accused of sexual harassment, theft, making a false claim, unlawful discrimination or other forms of misconduct in the workplace. Accused individuals probably have a right to discuss the accusations against them and decent workplace environments require that employees understand their employees will treat

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