Four Ways to Better On-Board New Employees While Still Remaining Productive

From day one, your company will reflect and depend on your employees’ effort and success. Therefore, regardless of the industry or whether you have two or two hundred employees, a solid training program equips new hires and veterans is essential. 

I get it. Time is a significant factor. After all, managing and training new hires can be time-consuming. But trust me when I say it is not as much of a time suck as the damage control you will have if you fail to train them properly. Putting in the extra effort now will save you headaches and productivity. In addition, having a training program will equip your team to handle their responsibilities more efficiently. 

The following are four steps to train new employees while completing your work. 

  1. Make objectives clear

Before your new employee’s first day on the job, you will need to set out a clear outline of objectives. Then, plan. You don’t want to overwhelm the new team member with an information dump, but you don’t want to throw them in without company knowledge. 

The Lyndhurst Group conducted a study that found that new employees were 58% more likely to still be with an organization after three years if they had gone through a structured onboarding program. y providing training on day one, you are making them one of the team and setting clear expectations. o one enjoys a job where they constantly have to guess whether or not the boss approves. 

  1. Prioritize experiential learning 

Budgets don’t always allow for intense training, but you can create fantastic value on next-to-nothing when you prioritize experiential learning. Experiential learning is learning through experience followed by moments of reflection that lead to new ideas and the opportunity to experiment with those new ideas. t gives the new hire the opportunity for observation and hands-on experience. Hey, they can apply the skills they have brought with them while also soaking in new company skills. t communicates that they are a valued team member and that their ideas are welcome. 

  1. Introduce new team members to your company’s culture

Companies actively recruiting Millennials need to pay attention to the research that states that meaningful corporate cultures or organizations that embrace social responsibility, diversity, and the environment are attracting top talent and holding on to them. In addition, workers want to feel like they are doing more than just clocking in and sitting in a cubicle. Hey, want to have a lasting impact on the people they interact with and, now more than ever, on the world at large. 

New hires and veteran employees are looking for meaning in their work. Introducing them early on to the company’s culture and values is vital to say they matter. Please give them a sense of belonging on day one. 

  1. Follow up with scheduled check-ins. 

Your new hire will need you to check in. throwing them into the mix and hoping they won’t drown could lead to costly mistakes and a discouraged, disconnected employee. y checking in early and often, you can correct errors as they happen and explain the reasoning behind them. t also allows the new hire to feel comfortable asking for clarification which increases communication and overall productivity. 

How often you perform check-ins will vary based on several factors. However, performing them often will help you be aware of what obstacles your employees face and help your employees develop a clearer understanding of the company’s goals. t allows for mid-course corrections, feedback at multiple levels, and higher retention across the board. 

You can’t afford to ignore these steps, and our team of strategists, trainers, business psychologists, and HR specialists makes these activities affordable. According to Gallup, millennials are less engaged with their jobs than any previous generation. A large part of this is preventable or fixable, and it has everything to do with on-the-job training. These four steps will help you create an onboarding program to increase your retention and improve your company’s culture. It’s a win-win for everyone.  

Let us know how we can help with your onboarding and training functions practically and effectively with fantastic ROI. 

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