Ahh, Hand-Me-Down Handbooks

Ah, hand-me-down handbooks.

Even within a franchise organization, just taking the franchisor’s templated handbook is a bad idea (and the franchisor will tell you so). So, just imagine if are working with hand-me-downs from a different company in a different state with a different history and a different future?

Let’s be real….an organization that invested in a decent handbook isn’t just passing that thing around. If someone is sharing their leftovers, that handbook wasn’t good when it was fresh.

Lets start with a list of red flags I listen for when clients tell me they are using a hand me down handbook:

  • They don’t know where the handbook originally came from
  • They sort of just compiled it over the years
  • It is just where they put all their policies
  • It is where they put job duties
  • It is the only place their drug policy resides
  • It is the only place their harassment policy resides
  • It is the only place their wage agreement resides
  • It is of an unknown age or over two years old
  • It is from another state or industry
  • Your employee issues continue despite having these hand-me downs in place
  • You are concerned about your handbook being too long


Please let us know if you need your workforce foundations to be done right the first time. We are incredibly efficient with collecting the necessary compliance issues, cultural points, and best practices to create an employee handbook that works both seasonally and perennially.

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