Minimizing Workplace Violence: A Checklist

Minimizing workplace violence can help employers avoid liability and promote a more positive working environment. Some ways to accomplish this goal include:

Having a Zero Tolerance Policy

Explaining in clear language in the employee handbook and other materials that violence in the workplace will not be tolerated. Employees should have an incentive not to engage in violence, and the threat of losing their job may be sufficient reason to abstain from this conduct. 

Create a Violence Prevention Plan

A workplace violence prevention program can consist of a committee of employees who talk about everyday stresses in the workplace and how to minimize them so that they do not escalate into violence in the workplace. 

Provide Safety Education

Employees should understand ways to stay safe in the workplace. This education should include discussions about violence in the workplace and how they can protect themselves. 

Review Policies with Employees

All employees should be required to read workplace violence policies. They should sign a separate document stating that they have received, read and understand the policy. Employees should know that claims of workplace violence will be investigated and handled promptly. 

Add Security Measures

Employers should remain conscious of additional security measures that they can put in place to protect employees from their co-workers, supervisors, customers and other third parties. Some routine security measures like adding more lighting to dark areas of the workplace, installing an alarm system, or installing video surveillance can also help deter violence in the workplace. 

Make Actions Easy to Report

Make it easier for employers to have access to their employer or human resources department by increasing communication possibilities. For example, workers may be given walkie-talkies or hand-held alarms to talk to their supervisor if a problem arises. 

Taking Action

Lastly, remember that threats and occurrences of workplace violence must be investigated by employers.

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Cite this article: Lynch, N. (2017). Minimizing Workplace Violence: A Checklist. Available: minimizing-workplace-violence-a-checklist/

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