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HR Resolutions to Start the New Year Off Right

Ah, the new year. That magical time when we all pretend we’re going to become completely different people (who definitely don’t leave things to the last minute).

But let’s be honest: if you’re reading this, you’re probably the type who actually does get things done. So, for all you overachievers out there, here’s your friendly reminder from your favorite employment law firm (that’s us, by the way) about those pesky HR tasks you might have, shall we say, “forgotten” about during the holiday eggnog haze. 

Consider this your legal wake-up call to kick off Q1 2025.

HR Tasks to Tackle Early in the Year

Onboarding: Because First Impressions Matter (Legally Speaking)

Remember all that paperwork you’re supposed to give to new hires? Yeah, that’s still a thing. 

Federal and (surprise!) often state and local laws require you to shower your shiny new employees with a delightful assortment of notices and forms. Think of it as a welcome package – legal edition. 

Make sure they’re getting everything they’re entitled to (especially those wage notices – nobody wants a lawsuit about overtime pay). And don’t forget to lock down those offer letters, restrictive covenants, and any other documents that will save you later. 

Oh, and those pesky immigration and tax forms? Yeah, those too. ESPECIALLY those.  

Employee Handbooks: Dust ‘Em Off and Spice ‘Em Up

Remember that dusty old employee handbook sitting on the shelf? Time to give it a makeover! 

Lawmakers have been busy little bees, churning out new workplace regulations faster than you can say “wrongful termination.” So, even if you just have a single employee in a particular jurisdiction, you may have some really precise and persnickety compliance requirements for your entire company. 

Consider it a legal facelift for your company.

Workplace Trainings: Because Nobody Likes a Lawsuit 

Mandatory trainings for things like sexual harassment aren’t going anywhere. Yes, even if (read: especially if) your team is scattered across the country (or the globe). 

Time to get creative with those virtual training sessions. Just remember, “interactive” is the name of the game. No Death by PowerPoint allowed. Generic off-the-shelf training gets you in more trouble. 

As it happens, we actually have a really cool homemade training protocol that we’ll be taking to market in a few years…but our clients (read: hopefully you!) get it now. 

Other Fun Stuff to Keep You Busy
  • Agreement Updates. You know those lovely employment, confidentiality, and separation agreements you agonized over creating? Well, they probably need a refresh. Laws change, you know. (We’d be happy to help with that, of course.)
  • Independent Contractors and the Misclassification Minefield. Thinking of hiring some independent contractors? Proceed with caution, especially in those lovely states with the “ABC test” (California, Massachusetts, New Jersey, we’re looking at you). If you take one wrong step, you could face a lawsuit (not to mention a hefty bill). Misclassification comes with all the joys of employment penalties and all the wonder of being significantly more expensive than proper classification. 
  • Are You Really Sure You’re Sure about Overtime Exemptions? Speaking of misclassification, how about those overtime-exempt employees? Are they really exempt? Time for an audit! And while you’re at it, take a peek at those job descriptions. A little refresh never hurt anyone.  If your wages are, um…. creative, you are doing it wrong!
  • The Legal Labyrinth of Leave of Absence and Accommodations. Leave laws are a jungle. Make sure you know which ones apply to your workforce and that your processes are squeaky clean. (And please, for the love of all that is holy, document everything.)
  • Stop Winging Performance Management. Performance reviews shouldn’t be a surprise. Make sure your supervisors are giving regular feedback, documenting performance issues (yes, even the awkward ones), and taking action when needed. (Think of it as preventative legal medicine.)

Finally, we would be remiss if we didn’t remind you about our subscription services.  Because the most profitable way to check something off your to-list is to get a professional to do the thing for you.  What could be more profitable than outsourcing your employment compliance issues to your favorite law firm? (Still us, BTW.)

So, there you have it, folks. Your Q1 legal to-do list. Now go forth and conquer!

And if you need us (which, let’s be real, you probably will), you know where to find us.

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