Client Profile: Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN)

To commemorate our 10-year anniversary, we are launching a series to feature some of our most notable clients and their excellent work. Today we bring you an interview with Shelby Bobosky, Executive Director for Texas Humane Legislation Network. Here’s a little bit from Lindsey’s chat with Shelby.

Can you tell us who Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) is…

Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) is the only Texas-based organization addressing unjust state animal welfare laws. We at the Texas Humane Legislation Network – a 501c4 – are working to stop animal cruelty and abuse before it starts. Our IRS status as a 501c4 allows us to be political animal advocates by lobbying and working with our representatives to fix our lenient animal cruelty laws.  While thousands of 501c3s in Texas are formed to help animals, they are VERY limited in how much they can lobby and are outright prohibited from participating in any partisan activities. Created in 1975, our mission is to promote the humane treatment of animals through legislation and advocacy at the Texas State Capitol.

And who will folks meet at THLN…

THLN currently employs three staff members but is in growth mode! What is exciting about everyone you’ll meet at THLN is that everyone there, including volunteers, has a genuine passion for the work of THLN and genuinely has their heart in it. It is ultimately charitable work but requires real skill in legislation, advocacy, and education to make the impact THLN has been pushing for nearly 50 years.

How has LLF supported you and THLN’s growth over the years?

For small non-profits, navigating complex employment issues can be incredibly time-consuming, frustrating, and nerve-wracking. The web of employment laws requiring THLN’s compliance involves the kind of expertise LLF offers. In addition, THLN gets the employee management support they need from the diverse team of experts at LLF. Executive Directors of small non-profits like THLN have to be a “jack-of-all-trades” and, according to Shelby, “it’s so nice that we can call LLF for quick answers.” Shelby finds great value in the reliable partnership LLF provides.

What’s next for THLN?

Having just completed the 2023 legislative session, THLN can boast about their efforts in successfully passing four bills affecting the treatment of animals in Texas, including the Texas Licensed Breeders Law (SB876), the Fraudulent Service Dog Law (HB4164), Trap-Neuter-Return (HB3660), and the Post-Conviction Possession Ban (HB598). They will now turn their attention to the Junior Advocate program in which they work with middle and high-school kids interested in animal advocacy in a two-year program teaching students about the legislative process, how a bill gets passed, and empowering them to use their voices to advocate for causes important to them.

Learn more about Texas Humane Legislation Network and their essential work for our animal friends:

Stay tuned to hear more about some of LLF’s exceptional clients in the coming months.

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