What do I do about small company investigations during a workplace investigation?

What do I do if I have an issue around discrimination or harassment, but I’m a super small employer? In the state of Texas, in particular, you go investigate that because as of September 1st of 2021 employers with even one employee, per state law need to investigate sexual harassment allegations. Other states will probably follow suit, but I would also make the arguments, and there are a lot of academics to back this up that are outside the scope of this video, but there are a lot of reasons to know that harassing and discriminating behavior in the workplace is inefficient and contrary to profit. So I think my answer is, maybe the scope and how you source your investigation varies based on your size, but I think the answer is even if you’re small, you still look into allegations of discrimination. Again, particularly in the state of Texas, where I am, with sexual harassment, starting September 1st, 2021, even if you have one employee you are charged with investigating sexual harassment in the workplace.

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