What Do I Do to Build Client Goodwill with An Adversarial Finding?

What do you do to maintain Goodwill and a positive opinion of your firm with a client after you’ve made an adversarial finding?

That’s a hard one. Hopefully, you have a good relationship with your client contact and hopefully, your client contact is a decision-maker. And within that relationship that you’ve built with them, as well as with all the people you’ve been involved within the investigation, you need to have a good relationship with your client contact and decision-makers, but hopefully, as you’ve laid out this adversarial, finding, this finding that is not favorable to the employer, you have also weaved in there helpful information about improvements, about root cause analysis about roadmaps to success within the thing that’s causing the problem. I talk about this in another video, but the real value that workplace investigators bring as a root cause analysis, to make sure that people don’t have to call you twice for the same investigation by solving the problem that stirred the complaint in the first place. And hopefully, you’re able to do that even within an adversarial investigative finding.

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