What Do You Do With All Your Investigative Notes?

Natalie Lynch is you’re credentialed investigator and licensed attorney, not a vlogger.

What do you do with all your investigative notes? `

I still take investigative notes by hand for a lot of reasons, but that leaves me, at the end of an investigation, being a person with investigative notes. And I don’t really like paper files.

So, I scan all of my notes when the investigation is done. I will also share that I’m superstitious. And so, I still do keep copies of my investigative notes. There’s a pile of them very close to me.

But you back that stuff up – you back it up, you back it up, you back it up. It would be awful, if you packed all your investigative notes into some luggage that you checked, and then you no longer had them.

So, carry them with you on the plane. They are the precious babies that you created during your investigation. Scan them, backup the scan, backup the backup of the scan. You keep those babies for all eternity, because that is how you can recreate what you were thinking when you wrote your investigative report.

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